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Why are e-mail scams written in broken English?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Like everyone else, I, too, always assumed that it was because either they were idiots or non-native English speakers. But I have very recently learned that is not the case. Indeed, the real answer is one of the more astonishing (at least to me) things I've heard in quite some time!

It turns out that the dead giveaways of "spamese" are completely deliberate and carefully calibrated. Huh? Why? Because very few people of the type who frequent Quora would be fooled for ten seconds by these things. And guess what? Quora readers are the ANTI-audience for them!

Instead, the obvious giveaways are used as a *pre-qualifier*, to ensure with the least possible effort that the ONLY people who respond to the scammers' initial mass mailings (and therefore have to be brought along individually during the later stages) are the absolutely most gullible, ignorant, susceptible, suckers they can find.

Think of it this way: if you were running this as a business, which would make more sense: developing a highly believable pitch and sending it to 1,000 Quorans, knowing that 500 of them would eventually figure it out and call the cops? or writing a completely obvious scam and sending it automatically to 1,000,000 people, knowing that 999,990 will simply laugh and trash it...but the other ten have a very high likelihood of sending you thousands of bucks, with no one calling the cops?

Absolutely brilliant !!


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